Family Friendly Vegetarian: Getting Your Family Excited for Plant-Based Meals - Cape Crystal Brands
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Family Friendly Vegetarian: Getting Your Family Excited for Plant-Based Meals


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Vegetarianism is more popular than ever which means the choices for vegetarian families are greater and better than ever before. Explore some delicious ways to get your family interested in eating a more veggie-friendly diet with these delicious tips, tricks, and tasty treats! We wrote a recent article From Sweet to Savory: Unleash the Potential of Veg Gelatin Powder you also should read about the benefits of vegetable gelatin powder in preparing meals. I think you will like that.

Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

Infographic showing surprising vegetarian statistics.

An infographic showing Interesting vegetarian statistics.

Eating a vegetarian diet can have a big impact not just on you but on the world around you. Choosing to cut meat and fish from your diet can significantly lower your cholesterol levels which can help lower your risk of heart disease. Some people even report weight loss when changing from a diet including meat to a vegetarian diet.

However, vegetarians must continue to be mindful of the balance in their diets, like other eaters. Relying too much on one area of the food pyramid can have negative side effects, so variety and balance are key.

Living a vegetarian lifestyle might mean finding new ways to get your protein but cutting the meat from your and your family’s diets can have a big impact on our planet. Commercial meat production is the lead contributor of methane gas and a huge consumer of water, so reducing your family’s reliance on meat, even just a little, can turn into a snowball of positivity.

Is it Safe for Kids to Be Vegetarians?

Family sitting around a table enjoying a vegan meal

Family Bonding Over Veggies: Embrace the joy of shared vegetarian meals.

Yes! It is absolutely safe for children to be vegetarian if they are still eating a balanced diet. You will need to make sure they are consuming enough protein in other areas of their diet, but for many healthy eaters, this is no problem!

Vegetarianism can also be a tipping point for picky eaters. Rather than fighting with them to eat meat, allowing them to choose plants they like can represent a big change in attitude for picky eaters.

Always do your research and offer your child a varied and balanced blend of fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy for the best results. Consult with their pediatrician for more personalized guidance on how to help your child on their journey as a vegetarian.

How to Become a Vegetarian

Fruits and vegetables

Taste the Seasons: Explore the vibrant palette of fresh produce in your vegetarian journey.

Becoming a vegetarian looks different for everyone. Some choose this path because of religious or cultural backgrounds, some for ethical reasons, and some just because of taste. No matter the reason, the transition from eating meat to not can be tough for some. However, the more you understand about cooking and shopping for a healthy vegetarian diet the easier the process becomes.

Here are a few tips to use in the kitchen and grocery for anyone new to eating like an omnivore:

  • Pick a star veggie: The produce department is full of colorful options but when you are crafting a vegetarian main dish it can be helpful to think of your star ingredient and build the plate around it, like chefs do with a protein. Once you have your star, you will know what else to shop for.
  • Try new flavors: Some fruits, veggies, and grains may be new to you, but you never know what you like until you try it! Don’t be afraid to try new produce and alternative meat options.
  • Don’t rely on meat replacers: The market for fake meat is bigger than ever and the options available have never tasted better. That said, getting to know the basics, like fruit, veggies, and grains, gives you command over the kitchen so you can cook up your own meat replacers.
  • Embrace the seasons: Eating vegetarian reminds you of the plants and their cycles. Eating seasonally gives veggie eaters the best flavor and most nutrients, but if you crave an out-of-season ingredient, try frozen fruits and veggies. They’re affordable and the next best thing to fresh in-season produce.
  • Don’t feel bad about a slip: If you slip up on your journey to a meatless lifestyle don’t sweat it! There are bumps on every road and often stressing yourself out about diet just leads to more unwanted eating behaviors. Cut yourself some slack and remember one bite of something off-limits doesn’t ruin your whole journey!

How Hydrocolloids Play an Important Role in Vegetarian Diets


Texture Transformation: Hydrocolloids bring the art of texture to vegetarian cuisine.

Hydrocolloids are valuable additions to a vegetarian diet due to their diverse properties that can mimic or enhance various textures and consistencies traditionally associated with animal-based ingredients. Here's how hydrocolloids can be incorporated into a vegetarian diet:

Thickening and Binding: Hydrocolloids like agar-agar, konjac gum, xanthan gum, and guar gum can replace animal-based thickeners and binders. These hydrocolloids can be used to create creamy sauces, soups, and stews without relying on animal fats or gelatin.

Gelatin Alternatives: Agar-agar, carrageenan, and pectin are excellent substitutes for gelatin in vegetarian and vegan desserts. They allow you to create gelled textures in puddings, jellies, and fruit preserves without using animal-derived ingredients.

Dairy Alternatives: Hydrocolloids such as locust bean gum, guar gum, and carrageenan can enhance the texture and creaminess of plant-based dairy alternatives like almond milk, coconut yogurt, and cashew cheese. They help achieve a smoother mouthfeel like traditional dairy products.

Egg Replacers: Some hydrocolloids, like xanthan gum (we wrote a great article about xanthan gum you may be interested in reading - The Ultimate Guide for Using Xanthan Gum in Your Recipes) and chia seeds, can serve as egg replacers in recipes that call for binding and structure. When mixed with water, they can mimic the binding properties of eggs in baked goods and other dishes.

Texture Enhancement: Hydrocolloids can add texture and structure to vegetarian and vegan meat alternatives. For example, konjac gum can help achieve a meat-like texture in plant-based burgers, sausages, and other protein sources.

Gluten-Free Baking: Xanthan gum and guar gum are commonly used in gluten-free baking to improve the elasticity and texture of dough. They help mimic the properties of gluten, providing structure and preventing baked goods from becoming too crumbly.

Emulsification: Hydrocolloids like sunflower lecithin can be used to create stable emulsions in dressings, sauces, and beverages, allowing you to achieve smooth and well-mixed products without relying on animal-based emulsifiers.

Dessert Innovation: Hydrocolloids enable the creation of innovative dessert textures and presentations. From suspended fruits in gels to layered mousses, hydrocolloids can transform desserts into visually appealing and delectable masterpieces.

Nutrition Enhancement: Some hydrocolloids, like chia seeds and psyllium husk, can contribute to the nutritional profile of vegetarian dishes by adding dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and other beneficial compounds.

Global Cuisine: Hydrocolloids are used in various cuisines around the world to create unique textures and flavors. Incorporating hydrocolloids into vegetarian dishes can open doors to experimenting with international recipes and culinary techniques.

By incorporating hydrocolloids into a vegetarian diet, individuals can enjoy a wider range of flavors, textures, and culinary possibilities while maintaining their dietary preferences. It's important to note that while hydrocolloids offer numerous benefits, using them in moderation and in accordance with specific dietary needs is key to achieving balanced and flavorful results.

5 Easy Kid-Friendly Vegetarian Meals

Kids vegetarian meals

Kid-Approved Veggie Delights: Explore these mouthwatering vegetarian meals for the whole family.

Getting your family excited about vegetarian food is truly a labor of love with the most delicious rewards! Try these tasty veggie ideas out on your family and watch them fall head over heels for the green flavors in these simple vegetarian meals!

Vegetarian Sloppy Joes

Kids of all ages love sloppy joes; they are so simple yet so tasty! This easy method makes serving up the perfect veggie meal quick enough for any night of the week. Plus, delicious sloppy joes are a great choice when it comes to high-protein vegetarian foods!

To make vegetarian sloppy joes all you need are lentils, peppers, and sloppy joe sauce, making it not just easy, but super affordable! You can use canned sloppy joe sauce or make your own from scratch.

Boil raw lentils in water or vegetable stock until they’re fully cooked and tender. Drain them and then add the sauce. Let the whole mixture simmer for a few minutes before cutting the heat and serving the saucy mixture on buns.

Pair these saucy sandwiches with coleslaw, green beans, or cold corn salad for a kid-friendly vegetarian meal that will fly off their plates!

Vegetarian Tamales

When it comes to nostalgic Mexican comfort foods, nothing tops tamales. These delicious filly husks are not just a great meal, but they’re also a bite of Mexican tradition and culture and for many who used to eat meat they’re one of the most missed dishes. 

There is no need to miss out on this amazing classic just because you’re skipping meat! Treat your family to an updated tradition with these ideas for how to transform your traditional meat tamale recipe into a vegetarian tamale recipe!

Try swapping your favorite marinated pork tamale filling for marinated mushrooms; their natural earthiness will help to mimic the meat. You can also make a delicious tamale filling from sweet potatoes, corn, and black beans.

Making these easy swaps can help you carry a delicious culinary tradition on to a new generation, regardless of diet! 

Vegetarian Chicken Noodle Soup

Everyone has warm memories of eating noodle soup when they were sick or down in the dumps. Bring that comfort to your little vegetarian when they’re low with a warm bowl of vegetarian chicken noodle soup!                                                                                             

Chicken noodle soup is made of very simple ingredients so turning it into a vegetarian favorite is super simple! Grab some veggie broth, celery, carrots, and onions for this recipe, and then you can choose your favorite pasta. The chicken element can be made with either pressed extra-firm tofu or your favorite type of plant-based chicken.

Start by cooking the celery, carrots, and onions until tender then douse them in broth. Add your favorite herbs and seasonings and then let the soup simmer for a little while. While it simmers, brown your choice of protein in a pan and separately boil your choice of noodles to al dente. Toss the browned plant-based meat and the cooked noodles into the soup.

Serve vegetarian chicken noodle soup warm with crusty bread and a big hug!

Vegetarian Tacos

The love for tacos knows no age limit! Everyone can get behind the delicious and versatile handheld flavors in tacos and they are the perfect family-friendly meatless meal!

Kids love vegetarian tacos not just for their flavor, but because they can customize this dish with their own flavors and really feel in control at mealtime! Parents will love seeing their little ones gobble up healthy fruits and veggies without any fuss!

Vegetarian tacos can take many forms. Everything from beans to breaded cauliflower to marinated mushrooms tastes great in a tortilla! One excellent take on veggie tacos for the kids is sweet potato tacos.

Simply toss sweet potatoes in oil and taco seasonings and then oven-roast them. Warm some corn tortillas. Fill the tortillas with roasted sweet potatoes, pico de gallo, and some crushed corn chips.

Vegan Pizza

From young to old, everyone loves pizza! It’s versatile, tasty, fun, and can be put together fast. Plus, the easy and heat-free assembly stage of pizza making is a great way to get young vegetarian chefs involved in the kitchen!

Your local pizza place probably offers a great range of vegetarian pies, but why not take it one step further and try some vegan pizza!? Pizza is a blank culinary canvas that you can add your personal flavorful flair to and since the crust is naturally vegan it’s the perfect place to experiment!

To make this updated favorite, you will need a few elements. You can have fun either making or buying the crust and sauce, but for the vegan cheese and toppings you will need to hit the supermarket! Choose a wide range of pizza toppings and remember to involve everyone in the topping choices. It can be a lot of fun to see the flavor combinations they create!

Wash and slice your veggie or fruit toppings and stretch the dough. Top it with sauce, vegan cheese, and plenty of yummy toppings, and then bake. You can make one or a bunch of fun flavors in a hurry with this easy vegan pizza method, but the pizza will fly off the platter even faster than you can make it!

One More Bite!

Often foods designed for kids appeal to us all on a deliciously nostalgic level. That is why one great way to start out as a vegetarian is with some kid-inspired favorites! Remember your favorite childhood dishes and give them a veggie glow-up your whole family will love!

A Vegetarian Conclusion

In conclusion, the surge in popularity of vegetarianism has paved the way for greater and better choices for vegetarian families than ever before. The journey towards a veggie-friendly lifestyle is not only rewarding for your health but also has far-reaching positive impacts on our environment. As you explore the diverse facets of vegetarianism, keep in mind the numerous benefits and exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

From reducing cholesterol levels to contributing to a more sustainable planet, the advantages of embracing a vegetarian diet are manifold. It's essential, however, to strike a balance in your dietary choices, ensuring a well-rounded and varied intake of nutrients.

For families with children, rest assured that raising young vegetarians is both safe and beneficial. Encouraging children to choose plant-based options can be a positive shift, fostering a newfound appreciation for healthy foods from an early age. Remember, expert guidance and a balanced blend of fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy can ensure your child's vegetarian journey is a nourishing one.

Transitioning to a vegetarian lifestyle might feel daunting at first, but armed with knowledge and a few practical tips, the process becomes more manageable. By picking star ingredients, exploring new flavors, embracing seasonal produce, and occasionally indulging without guilt, your culinary adventure will unfold seamlessly.

The role of hydrocolloids in vegetarian diets offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of texture and creativity. These versatile ingredients enhance the dining experience, allowing vegetarians to craft delicious and satisfying dishes that rival their animal-based counterparts. Whether it's achieving a creamy consistency, replacing gelatin, enhancing dairy alternatives, or even experimenting with gluten-free baking, hydrocolloids open up a realm of culinary innovation.

To make your vegetarian journey even more delightful, we've shared five easy and kid-friendly meal ideas that promise to please even the pickiest eaters. From vegetarian sloppy joes to tamale transformations, chicken noodle soup to veggie-packed tacos and vegan pizza, these meals hold the power to captivate the taste buds of your entire family.

In the end, the nostalgia of childhood favorites and the joy of shared meals unite us all in the pursuit of a more veggie-friendly lifestyle. As you embark on this journey, remember that each bite is a step towards better health, a greener planet, and a more conscious way of living. So, savor every moment and every bite, for the world of vegetarian cuisine is both delicious and endlessly rewarding.


Scarborough, Peter, et al. “Dietary Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Meat-Eaters, Fish-Eaters, Vegetarians and Vegans in the UK - Climatic Change.” SpringerLink, Springer Netherlands, 11 June 2014,

Wang, Fenglei, et al. “Effects of Vegetarian Diets on Blood Lipids: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Journal of the American Heart Association, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 27 Oct. 2015,

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