Is Pectin Vegan? - Cape Crystal Brands


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Have you ever scrutinized the ingredients on the back of your favorite jams, jellies, or even some candies and wondered what pectin is? As a conscious consumer, the question might have crossed your mind, "Is pectin vegan?"

You'll be glad to hear that pectin is safe for a vegan diet. Pectin comes from the walls of plants and is a gelling agent used in food production.

This plant-based origin makes it a widely accepted ingredient in the vegan community. You'll find it in all sorts of plant-based foods. So, you can continue enjoying your favorite pectin-containing vegan foods without worry.

Keep reading to learn more about how pectin is used in food production. Plus discover other dairy-free plant-based alternatives that align with your vegan lifestyle.

Powdered pectin with jelly and jams

Powdered pectin with vegan jelly and jams.

What Is Pectin?

Pectin is a natural hydrocolloid found in the walls of plants.

It's a polysaccharide that acts as an emulsifying agent and thickening agent. It helps give food body and texture. That means it helps keep solids suspended in liquids to avoid separation.

It also functions as a gelling agent that gives structure to jams, jellies, and other plant-based sweet treats. Pectin helps create that spoonable consistency you expect from jams and jellies.

Locust bean gum is also known as carob gum. This is another natural hydrocolloid derived from the seeds of the carob tree. It is often used with other stabilizers to improve the texture of ice cream.

Is Pectin Dairy Free?

Yes, pectin is dairy free. It only contains plant-based ingredients. That means it's a great alternative for those who follow a vegan lifestyle or suffer from lactose intolerance.

Is Pectin Vegan?

If you were wondering, is pectin vegan, you can rest assured that it is.

Plant-based, pectin is a natural vegetable gelling agent made from apple or citrus peels. And since it comes from plants, it's suitable for a vegan diet.

You'll find pectin in all sorts of vegan recipes and food products. So you can enjoy your favorite vegan dishes without worrying about animal products.

Word of Warning

Some manufacturers may mix pectin with animal-derived ingredients. This is done to create specific textures and shapes in food production.

It's always important to read the label for any signs of non-vegan ingredients before purchase.

What Are the Different Types of Pectin?

Pectin comes in two main forms. These are high or low-methoxylated pectins.

Low-methoxylated pectin is easier to procure from grocery stores while high-methoxylation pectins require more specialized sourcing.

High Methoxylation pectins are more heat stable and can generally tolerate higher cooking temperatures. Low-methoxylation pectins, on the other hand, are better for cold applications like jams and jellies as they don't require high cooking temperatures to set.

When using pectin, you'll also find that it's available in two different forms: dry and liquid.

Dry pectin needs to be hydrated with water before use while the liquid form of pectin is already pre-hydrated.

Preparing <a href=pectin and fruit by first heating on the stove.">

Preparing pectin and fruit by first heating on the stove.

How Do You Use Pectin?

When using pectin, it's important to follow the instructions on the package for best results. Generally speaking, you'll need to mix your ingredients with the appropriate amount of pectin and let it set for a few hours.

Remember to make note that high-methoxylation pectins will require more acidity for proper setting, while low-methoxylation pectins are not as affected by pH levels.

When making jams or jellies, it's essential to add the correct amount of sugar. Too little sugar will prevent proper setting—while too much will cause your jam or jelly to become overly firm and difficult to spread.

Another great thing about pectin is that it can be used in more than just jams and jellies. It can also be used in sauces, preserves, and other food products.

For more complex recipes, pectin can be combined with other gelling agents like agar or xanthan gum to create unique textures and flavor profiles.

Other Vegan Alternatives to Pectin

If you're looking for an alternative to pectin, there are a few vegan-friendly options available.

Agar and xanthan gum are two common gelling agents that can be used in place of pectin.


Agar—also known as "agar-agar"—is derived from red algae or seaweed. This plant-based gelatine substitute originates in the coastal regions of Japan and has been used in Asian cuisine for centuries. There is an excellent article here going into more detail about agar agar and its uses.

The process of making agar involves boiling the red algae and then allowing it to cool and solidify. The resultant jelly-like substance is dehydrated and formed into flakes or powdered for commercial use.

Agar's versatile nature makes it an ideal thickening and gelling agent for plant-based foods. It's commonly used in desserts like puddings, jellies, and custards.

Additionally, it's often used in soups or to make vegan cheese due to its ability to create a firm, sliceable texture.

Xanthan Gum

Xanthan gum is a complex exopolysaccharide. It's derived from a fermentation process involving the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris. It also contains a sugar substrate such as corn, soy, or wheat.

This bacterium is found in leafy green vegetables. Its interaction with the sugar substrate results in a gummy substance. After fermentation, the resultant mixture is purified, dried, and ground into a fine powder that can be used as a thickening and stabilizing agent in a variety of culinary applications.

Xanthan gum is a versatile additive that can thicken, suspend, and stabilize. It's frequently used in gluten-free baking to give the dough a sticky consistency.

Looking For Vegan-Friendly Thickening Agents?

So, is pectin vegan? Yes! You can rest assured that using pectin is suitable for a vegan diet. Pectin can be used in a variety of ways to improve the texture of your favorite foods.

Looking for other vegan-friendly thickening agents? At Cape Crystal Brands, we understand the importance of high-quality, specialty ingredients. Our range includes a variety of vegan-friendly thickening agents to suit all your recipe needs. Visit our website today to explore our range.

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