How to Thicken Foods Including Mashed Potatoes and Gravy - Cape Crystal Brands
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How to Thicken Foods Including Mashed Potatoes and Gravy


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Are you tired of runny mashed potatoes or thin gravy? Don't let a lack of thickness ruin your favorite dishes. Knowing how to thicken your recipes is an essential part of cooking. Luckily, it's easy to achieve the perfect consistency with a few simple techniques and ingredients.

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of thickening mashed potatoes and gravy to make them more delicious and satisfying. We'll also explore thickening agents and how they work in various recipes, as well as provide tips and tricks on thickening pasta sauces, stews, and casseroles.

A bowl of creamy mashed potatoes with a thick, luscious gravy drizzled on top. A wooden spoon and a bowl of cornstarch sit next to the dish. Steam rises from the potatoes and gravy as if they were just taken off the stove. The focus is on the texture and thickness of the gravy and potatoes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Knowing how to thicken your recipes is an essential part of cooking.
  • Exploring different thickening agents and techniques can help elevate the texture of your dishes.
  • Thickening agents include gums and hydrocolloids.
  • From creating a roux to using cornstarch, there are various methods to thicken your gravy.
  • Gums and hydrocolloids can be used to thicken mashed potatoes, pasta sauce, and tomato sauce.

Understanding Thickening Agents

Before we dive into the specifics of thickening techniques, it's essential to understand what thickening agents are and how they work. Thickening agents are ingredients that provide a thicker, more substantial texture to dishes such as soups, sauces, and stews. These agents work by absorbing water or thickening the liquid directly, giving your dish the desired consistency.

Thickening agents come in two main categories: starches and hydrocolloids or more commonly, gums. Gums are natural substances that are comprised of molecules that bind with water molecules, creating a thick and smooth texture. Some commonly used gums include xanthan gum, guar gum, and carrageenan. Hydrocolloids, include substances such as agar-agar, gelatin, and pectin.

The Role of Thickeners in Food

Thickeners can help make your dishes more visually appealing, improve texture, and provide a more satisfying eating experience. They can also help keep ingredients from separating, which can be beneficial in dishes like salad dressings.

Thickening agents are particularly useful for people with swallowing difficulties, as they help prevent choking and make it easier to eat. They're also beneficial for people who need to increase their caloric intake, such as those with HIV, cancer, or other chronic illnesses.

Using Thickening Agents in Cooking

Thickening agents are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of dishes. Gums and hydrocolloids can be added directly to a recipe, but they require some experimentation to find the right amount. Typically, a small amount of gum or hydrocolloid is needed to achieve the desired thickness.

When using these agents, it's essential to dissolve them in the liquid first, usually by whisking them into cold water to create a slurry. This mixture is then added to the recipe and heated until the desired thickness is achieved.

How to Thicken Gravy

If you're looking to add some richness and thickness to your gravy, there are several easy ways to achieve the desired texture. Here are some tips and tricks:

1. Use a Thickening Agent

One of the most common ways to thicken gravy is to use a thickening agent. These are ingredients that help give your sauce a thicker consistency. Some popular options include:

Thickening Agent How to Use
Cornstarch Mix cornstarch with cold water and whisk into the gravy while it's simmering.
Flour Mix flour with butter or oil and stir into the gravy while it's simmering.
Arrowroot Mix arrowroot with cold water and whisk into the gravy while it's simmering.


Experiment with different thickening agents to see which one works best for you. Keep in mind that some agents, such as flour, may give your gravy a slightly different taste.

2. Make a Roux

A roux is a mixture of flour and fat that's used to thicken sauces. To make a roux, melt butter in a saucepan and add flour. Stir the mixture constantly until it turns golden brown. Whisk the roux into your gravy while it's simmering, and it will thicken as it cooks.

3. Reduce the Liquid

If you don't want to add any additional ingredients to your gravy, you can try reducing the liquid. This means simmering your gravy for a longer period of time, allowing some of the liquid to evaporate and the sauce to thicken naturally.

4. Use a Blender

If you want a silky-smooth gravy, you can try blending it. Once your gravy is finished cooking, let it cool slightly, then pour it into a blender and blend until it reaches your desired consistency.

With these simple techniques and ingredients, you can achieve a thick and flavorful gravy that will elevate any dish. Don't be afraid to experiment with different methods and find the one that works best for you!

Thickening Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are the ultimate comfort food, but sometimes they turn out too thin and lack the desired consistency. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to thicken them up without sacrificing the creamy texture that makes them so delicious.

Using Gums

Gums such as xanthan and guar can be excellent thickeners for mashed potatoes. While they may sound intimidating, they're actually easy to use! Simply sprinkle a small amount of the gum powder over your mashed potatoes as they're cooking and mix well. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, and you'll see the potatoes thicken up beautifully. The recommended amount is usually about 1/4 teaspoon per cup of mashed potatoes, but you may need to experiment to find the perfect amount for your taste buds.

Using Hydrocolloids

Hydrocolloids such as agar agar or carrageenan can be used to achieve a thicker consistency in mashed potatoes. They work by creating a gel-like substance that helps hold everything together. You can find these thickening agents in most specialty food stores or online. Just mix them according to the instructions on the package and add to your mashed potatoes. You should start with a small amount and gradually increase until you achieve the desired consistency, as hydrocolloids can be quite powerful.

No matter which method you choose, it's important to remember that a little goes a long way when it comes to thickeners. Start with a small amount and gradually add more until you reach your desired texture. Don't overdo it or your mashed potatoes could end up too thick and gummy.

Thickening mashed potatoes can take a bit of trial and error, but with these tips, you'll be on your way to perfecting this classic dish in no time.

Thicken Your Pasta Sauce with Gums and Hydrocolloids

If you're tired of watery or thin pasta sauce, don't worry! You can easily thicken it up with the right ingredients. Using gums and hydrocolloids is a great way to achieve a thicker and more luscious sauce that will cling to your noodles and enhance the flavors of your dish.

Gums are thickening agents that can be derived from natural sources, such as plants and seeds. Hydrocolloids are similar to gums but are more processed and are usually made in a lab.

Here are some of the best gums and hydrocolloids to use when thickening your pasta sauce:

Gum/Hydrocolloid Benefits Recommended Usage
Xanthan Gum Can be used in small amounts, creates a smooth and consistent texture 1/4 tsp per cup of sauce
Guar Gum Works well in acidic environments, creates a thicker and silkier texture 1/4 tsp per cup of sauce
Agar Vegan alternative to gelatin, creates a firmer texture 1/2 tsp per cup of sauce
Carageenan Great for creating a creamy texture, works well with dairy-based sauces 1/4 tsp per cup of sauce




When using gums and hydrocolloids, it's essential to follow the recommended usage to avoid an overly thick or slimy sauce. Start with a small amount and gradually add more until you achieve the desired consistency.

Pro Tip: Be sure to fully dissolve the gum or hydrocolloid in warm water before adding it to your sauce to prevent clumping.

Thickening your pasta sauce is an easy way to elevate the flavor of your dish and impress your guests. Experiment with these gums and hydrocolloids to create the perfect texture for your sauce!

Thickening Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is a staple in many Italian dishes, and the perfect consistency can make or break the dish. If your tomato sauce is too thin, don't worry; we've got some tips to help you thicken it up.

One popular method is to use hydrocolloids, which are ingredients that thicken liquids through a gel-like substance. Hydrocolloids commonly used in cooking include agar-agar, carrageenan, and xanthan gum.

To thicken tomato sauce using hydrocolloids:

  1. Dissolve the hydrocolloid in cold water or another liquid, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Add the hydrocolloid mixture to the tomato sauce and stir well.
  3. Allow the sauce to simmer for several minutes until it thickens to your desired consistency.

Another option is to use tomato paste. Tomato paste is simply a concentrated version of tomato sauce, so it's a natural thickener.

To thicken tomato sauce using tomato paste:

  1. Add a small amount of tomato paste to the sauce and stir well.
  2. Allow the sauce to simmer for a few minutes until it thickens to your desired consistency.

Experiment with different thickness levels and try different hydrocolloids to find the perfect consistency for your tomato sauce.

Thickening Potato Soup

If you're a fan of potato soup, you know that the perfect thickness can be tricky to achieve. But don't worry, we've got some tips to help you thicken your soup to perfection.

The first step is to identify the cause of the thin consistency. Is there too much liquid in the soup, or are the potatoes not starchy enough? Depending on the root of the problem, you can choose from several methods.

Adding Vegetables and Starches

One way to thicken potato soup is to add additional vegetables or starches. Carrots, celery, and cornstarch are all great options. Simply chop up a small amount of the desired vegetables and add them to the soup. Alternatively, mix a tablespoon of cornstarch with a tablespoon of water, making a paste, and stir it into the soup while simmering. This will help to absorb some of the extra liquid and thicken the consistency.


Another tactic that can be used when making potato soup is blending. This method is perfect if you want a smooth, thick soup. Remove a portion of the soup and pour it into a blender. Pulse until it is creamy, then add it back into the pot and stir. This will thicken the soup and give it a velvety texture.

Dairy Products

Adding dairy products such as heavy cream, milk, or cheese is another way to thicken potato soup. They'll not only give the soup a creamy texture but will also add a delicious flavor. Add a small amount at a time, stirring constantly to ensure the soup does not burn or scorch, until the desired thickness is reached.

"A tip to remember is to avoid using too much starch or cornstarch, as it could make your soup slimy."

With these tips, you'll be able to create a thick and delicious potato soup that will warm you up on a cold day. Experiment with different methods and ingredients to find the perfect consistency for your tastes.

Thicken Sauces without Flour

If you're looking for alternative ways to thicken sauces without flour, you're in luck. There are many ingredients and techniques you can use to achieve a thicker consistency. Some of the most effective methods are:

  • Reducing liquids: You can thicken your sauce simply by simmering it for a longer period. This evaporates the liquid, leaving you with a thicker consistency. Keep in mind that this method also intensifies the flavor, so it's important to taste as you go.
  • Creating emulsions: An emulsification is a mixture of two liquids that don't normally mix. For example, you can create a vinaigrette by combining oil and vinegar. In a similar way, you can use egg yolks to thicken sauces by creating an emulsion. Just whisk the egg yolks and slowly add the hot liquid while whisking.
  • Using pureed vegetables: Pureed vegetables, such as carrots or cauliflower, can add body and creaminess to your sauce. Simply boil the vegetables until soft, puree them, and then add them to your sauce. This is a great way to add nutrition and flavor to your meal while also thickening the sauce.
  • Using arrowroot powder: Arrowroot powder is a natural thickener that is often used in gluten-free cooking. It works similarly to cornstarch, but it doesn't break down as easily. Mix a tablespoon of arrowroot powder with a little cold water to create a slurry, then add it to your sauce and stir well.

By using these techniques, you can achieve a thick and luscious sauce without the use of flour. Experiment with different ingredients and find what works best for your recipe.

Thicken Stews and Casseroles

Stews and casseroles are hearty and comforting dishes that are perfect for chilly nights, but sometimes they can turn out too thin or watery. Don't worry, we've got you covered with some simple techniques to thicken your stews and casseroles.

Adding More Ingredients

One way to thicken your stews and casseroles is to add more ingredients. This can help absorb excess liquid and create a thicker consistency. Consider adding more potatoes, rice, pasta, or beans to your dish. These ingredients are not only great for thickening, but they also add extra flavor and texture.

Reducing the Liquid

If your stew or casserole is still too thin, you can try reducing the liquid. This can be done by simmering the dish on low heat until the liquid has evaporated and the sauce has thickened. Keep an eye on the dish and stir occasionally to prevent burning.

Using a Roux

Another technique to thicken your stews and casseroles is to use a roux. A roux is a mixture of flour and fat that is used to thicken sauces and stews. Start by melting butter in a pan and gradually adding flour while stirring constantly. Cook the mixture for a few minutes until it turns a caramel color. Add the roux to your stew or casserole and stir until well combined. Let the dish simmer for a few minutes until it thickens.

Creating a Slurry

A slurry is a mixture of cornstarch and water that is used to thicken sauces and stews. Start by mixing equal parts cornstarch and cold water. Stir until the mixture is smooth and there are no lumps. Add the slurry to your stew or casserole and stir until it thickens. Be careful not to add too much slurry as it can make your dish too thick and starchy.

Table: Thickening Agents for Stews and Casseroles

Thickening Agent How to Use
Cornstarch Create a slurry by mixing equal parts cornstarch and cold water. Add to your dish and stir until it thickens.
Flour Use a roux by melting butter in a pan and gradually adding flour. Cook the mixture until it turns a caramel color. Add to your dish and stir until it thickens.
Potatoes, Rice, Pasta, Beans Add extra ingredients to your dish to absorb excess liquid and create a thicker consistency.


Using these techniques and ingredients, you'll be able to create delicious and thick stews and casseroles that will warm you up on the coldest of nights.


In conclusion, mastering the art of thickening your favorite dishes can take your cooking skills to the next level. Whether you're looking to create creamier mashed potatoes or a velvety gravy, the techniques and ingredients we've discussed in this article can help you achieve the perfect consistency.

Remember to experiment with different thickening agents, such as gums and hydrocolloids, to discover what works best for your recipes. And don't be afraid to try alternative methods, such as reducing liquids or incorporating additional ingredients, to achieve the desired thickness.

With these thickening recipes, you'll be able to create delicious and satisfying meals that your family and friends will love. So go ahead and thicken up your favorite dishes today!


What are thickening agents?

Thickening agents are ingredients that help give your dishes a thicker and more substantial texture. They can include gums and hydrocolloids that work to add body and thickness to various recipes.

How can I thicken gravy?

There are several methods to thicken gravy. You can use a roux, which is a mixture of flour and fat, or cornstarch as thickening agents. Simply whisk them into your gravy until the desired thickness is achieved.

How do I thicken mashed potatoes?

To thicken mashed potatoes, you can use gums and hydrocolloids. These ingredients help add body and thickness without compromising the creamy texture. Incorporate them into your mashed potatoes while mashing for desired thickness.

How can I thicken pasta sauce?

If your pasta sauce is too watery, you can thicken it by using gums and hydrocolloids. These ingredients will help bind the sauce together and create a thicker consistency that will cling to your noodles.

What techniques are there for thickening tomato sauce?

There are several techniques to thicken tomato sauce. Adding tomato paste can help intensify the flavors and thicken the sauce. Additionally, incorporating hydrocolloids can provide a rich and hearty texture to your tomato sauce.

How can I achieve a thicker potato soup?

To achieve a thicker potato soup, you can add additional vegetables such as carrots or celery, which will contribute to a heartier consistency. You can also use a blender to blend a portion of the soup until it reaches the desired thickness. Adding dairy products like cream or milk can also help thicken the soup.

Are there alternatives to flour for thickening sauces?

Yes, there are alternatives to flour for thickening sauces. You can reduce liquids by simmering them for a longer period to evaporate excess liquid and create a thicker sauce. Creating emulsions, such as using egg yolks or oil-based dressings, can also add thickness to your sauces.

How can I thicken stews and casseroles?

To thicken stews and casseroles, you can add additional ingredients such as diced potatoes or beans, which will contribute to a heartier consistency. Another method is to reduce the liquid by simmering the dish for a longer time to evaporate excess liquid and create a thicker sauce.

How can I make my hair appear thicker?

While not related to cooking, there are tips and tricks to make your hair appear thicker. Styling techniques like blow-drying with a round brush and using volumizing products can provide extra lift and body to your hair, creating the illusion of thickness.

How do I use these thickening techniques in my recipes?

Experiment with different ingredients and methods to see what works best for your recipes. Remember to follow the instructions and suggested quantities for the specific thickening agents you choose to use. Practice and adjust until you achieve the desired texture and consistency in your dishes.

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See: The Hydrocolloid Glossary

For further reading: Trends in Intellectual Property Related to Hydrocolloids 

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Chef Edmund

About the Editor

About the Chef Edmund: Chef Edmund is the Founder of Cape Crystal Brands and EnvironMolds. He is the author of several non-fiction “How-to” books, past publisher of the ArtMolds Journal Magazine and six cookbooks available for download on this site. He lives and breathes his food blogs as both writer and editor. You can follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

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